Comme à chaque changement de saison, il me tarde d’attraper mon appareil photo et d’aller capturer la beauté de Central Park. Impossible de choisir quelle saison est la plus jolie à New York. Honnêtement, elles valent toutes le détour. Central Park, c’est l’une des multiples raisons pour laquelle j’adore vivre à Manhattan. Un havre de paix entre surpeuplement de buildings, de taxis jaunes, d’humains, de food trucks; s’il y a bien un endroit où il fait bon vivre à Manhattan, c’est ici.
Every season I cannot wait to grab my camera and go capture the beauty of Central Park. Don’t ask me which season is my favorite in New York as I cannot make up my mind. For me, they are all worth the stroll. Central Park is one of the many reasons I love living in Manhattan. It is such a breath of fresh air and freedom, a very needed break between the buildings (always too high), the yellow cabs (always so loud), the humans (always so many of them) and the food trucks (always so greasy). If there is one place where to find peace in this modern and unstoppable jungle, this is it.