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Fashion, New York, NYC Foodies, Personal Style, Shopping

Brunch at Bergdorf Goodman Restaurant NYC

June 23, 2016


Un de mes péchés mignons quand je me retrouve un samedi à New York sans programme? Aller flâner chez Bergdorf Goodman! Je ne manque jamais de me rendre à son Salon chaussures “Shoe Salon” (parce qu’un simple rayon ne serait pas au goût de l’établissement), à la maroquinerie (Hello Chanel – Un jour, tu seras mien), ou même au rayon beauté (craquage garanti). Bergdorf Goodman est une véritable institution new yorkaise située à côté du Plaza Hotel et à l’angle de la Cinquième avenue et de 57th Street. Ce paradis du shopping de luxe est surtout un véritable plaisir des yeux (ce n’est pas l’envie qui manque de flamber la CB).

One of my favorite NYC things to do when I spend a Saturday in New York is to head to Bergdorf Goodman. I never miss an opportunity to visit its dreamy shoe salon, its Accessory department (oh Chanel Boy, one day you will be mine), as well as the beauty section on the lower level. Bergdorf Goodman is such a NYC institution, it is part of the its history and it makes an impression on everyone. Not to mention its perfect location next to the Plaza Hotel and the famous corner of 57th street and 5th avenue (Hello Tiffany & Co). This shopping heaven is a dream for the eyes (and could easily become a nightmare for your saving accounts – self-control is everything!).


Fashion, New York, NYC Guide, NYC Lifestyle, Shopping

Les vitrines de Noël à New York

December 11, 2015


Les fêtes de fin d’année approchent à grand pas et New York s’est comme tous les ans habillée pour l’occasion. Que l’on aime ou non cette période, le charme et la créativité des vitrines de Noël des grands magasins sont indéniables. Encore une fois cette année, j’ai eu la chance de profiter du spectacle avec une météo clémente, sans doute la première tournée photo sans les gants et les bonnets.

The year is coming to an end and New York is beautifully dressed up for the holidays. Whether you like this time of the year or not, you cannot deny the charm and the burst of creativity behind the windows of the department stores across the city. This year again, I enjoyed a few nights to walk around and enjoy the show. With great luck and thanks to the warm weather, I believe it was my first Holiday window photo walk without hats and gloves.


Fashion, Shopping

Holiday gift guide – 21 days until Christmas

December 4, 2015

21 jours avant Noël et je n’ai pas encore acheté un seul cadeau… Cette phrase vous ressemble aussi? Noël approche à grand pas et comme chaque année le stress des achats de dernières minutes. Oui, 21 jours ce n’est pas si grave et ça laisse la place mais en grande reine de la procrastination du type “Je suis large, j’ai encore le temps”: cette année je change de stratégie. Plutôt que d’affronter la foule et les chansons de Noël (qui me rendent dingue), j’ai décidé de commander la grande majorité de mes cadeaux de Noël en ligne.

21 days until Christmas and it sounds like the perfect time to give you  21 gift ideas. Every year, I am one of these people you see running in the stores a few hours before Christmas Eve. And every year, I promise myself it won’t happen again. Too crowded, too much stress, too many doubts. Now, December is here and I have not bought one present yet. Alright then, I guess it is time to change my Holiday shopping strategy. That is why I have decided to order online everything I can.


Fashion, Personal Style, Shopping

Oh My Boat – Fashion Collab JORD Wood Watches

September 23, 2015


Cet été fut placé sous le signe du voyage. Tout d’abord avec la découverte de la Californie du Sud lors d’un road trip suivie de plusieurs semaines à travers la France accompagnées d’une escapade en Italie. Quand je rentre dans mon pays d’adoption pour y retrouver la famille et les amis (le vin et pâtisseries), j’aime planifier quelques sorties là où je ne suis jamais allée auparavant. Sur ces photos, j’ai découvert la jolie commune de Cassis, son port et ses célèbres calanques.

I am saying goodbye to a Summer full of travels this year. First, there was my road trip in Southern California, followed by several weeks across France, then a quick getaway to Italy. Every time I go back to my native country to reunite with friends and family, I always plan some day trips to places I have never been to before. In these photos, you can see me wandering through Cassis in the South of France and its famous creeks  (named ‘Calanques’ in French).


Fashion, Shopping

Collaboration Rocksbox – Get 1 month of Jewelry for FREE

July 11, 2015


What if you could receive jewelry in your mailbox every now and then? Not so long ago, I was contacted by Rocksbox to do just that.

Rocksbox gives its members the chance to receive 3 pieces of designer jewelry at the same time. Among the 30+ jewelry brands featured, you can add pieces you wishes to try in your personalized wish list. Once you receive the box in the mail, you get to choose to borrow, buy or swap the pieces of jewelry for other ones. There is no limit. The only rule is to never have more than 3 pieces on rental at the same time. For a $19 monthly subscription fee, you can request as many changes as you would like at any time – all you have to do is return the pieces and Rocksbox will quickly send you new ones. Each box is worth an average of $200.

Want GREAT news?

As part of the collaboration between Rocksbox and MyBigApplecity, you can receive 1 month for FREE. All you have to do is sign up on, and make sure to enter the PROMO CODE: “bigapplecityxoxo. You can add pieces to your wishlist and soon enough, your Rockbox will be on its way to you. Rocksbox has free shipping both ways and has a zero commitment policy, meaning you can opt out whenever you want to. Rocksbox delivers to the United States only, so if you live here, make sure not to pass on this fashionable offer and enter the code provided above.

If you have any questions, please let me know in the comment section below this article or via email.