Fashion, New York, NYC Lifestyle, NYC Streetstyle

NYC Streetstyle – Perfect Romance in SoHo

June 13, 2012

I just love the romantic atmosphere of this photography. If a long dress is too much of the same pattern for you, choose a long colorful skirt and wear it with a black cropped tank-top. From the front, her outfit is already stunning but it’s from behind that I like it the most, as it reveals the pretty lace. Her hairstyle is very well-made too with a fish tail over her shoulder. Both of their looks go well together: a beautiful & chic couple.

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  • Designer brands December 17, 2014 at 9:48 PM

    I like her skirt as well. It goes well with the top from the back. Sometimes with a top that is really lacy, you don’t want to wear anything too short or equally revealing in the daytime. Plus, the colors of the skirt brighten up the entire look.

  • Fashion, NYC Streetstyle

    NYC Streetstyle – SoHo Cab Style

    June 5, 2012

    A beautiful outfit and posture to stop a cab on Broadway!


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