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September 2014

New York, NYC Lifestyle

Instagram & Other Stories: September 2014, NYC & South of France

September 30, 2014

Septembre a été principalement placé sous le signe des vacances. Certes, elles n’ont duré que 10 jours (les joies des vacances à l’américaine), mais elles ont été relaxantes, voir même dépaysantes puisque j’ai retrouvé la Côte d’Azur.  Saint-Tropez, Monaco, Cannes, le Lac de Sainte-Croix, le Verdon… Tant de lieux que j’adore et je vous rédigerai prochainement un petit article. Il y a eu batailles de croissants autour de la piscine le matin et dégustations de Tropézienne l’après-midi, sans compter les petits verres de Rosé, Pastis et Champagne le soir. Dix jours absolument parfaits!


September was synonym of vacation time for me. Even though it’s only 10 days in the US (in France, you get at least 5 weeks of paid time-off), I enjoyed joyfully this holiday by going back to the South of France.  Saint-Tropez, Monaco, Cannes, les Gorges du Verdon, I will show you around through an article in the near future. There were croissant battles by the pool in the morning, Tropézienne eating in the afternoon (the specialty cake from Saint Tropez), as well as a lot of French food and Rosé wine that I love. Do I need to say more?

Fashion, New York Fashion Week, NYC Streetstyle

New York Fashion Week – Best of Street Style #2

September 12, 2014

Voilà la Fashion Week de New York est terminée. Je vous ai montré plusieurs clichés Streetstyle plus tôt cette semaine ici. Encore une fois la Fashion Week est passée très vite et me laisse remplie d’inspirations sur les looks à venir. Je dois dire que cette saison a été très riche en imprimés, couleurs flashy et formes ; beaucoup de sourires échangés, de jolies rencontres et des conversations enflammées sur l’impact de la mode Homme sur la mode Femme. Qui influence qui?

New York Fashion Week has come and gone. I shared some of my pictures earlier this week here and this is the last article on the styles I spotted. Once again, it went by as fast as it came and I feel so inspired by what I encountered. This season was full of prints, shapes and colors, as well as plenty of smiles, meetings and hot conversations on whether Menswear influences Womenswear or the opposite? Well, the subject is not closed. Let’s meditate on that.

Fashion, New York Fashion Week, NYC Streetstyle

Street Style from New York Fashion Week – What they are wearing / September 2014

September 10, 2014

La Fashion Week de New York bat son plein à Manhattan. Arrivée plus tôt que d’habitude, la semaine de la mode est la parfaite transition vers l’automne. Il règne chaque fois une atmosphère spéciale quand vient le temps des présentations des nouvelles collections. La mode se ressent dans l’air de la ville et les New Yorkais saisissent l’occasion de se montrer encore plus stylés qu’à l’accoutumé. La magie opère lors des défilés grâce aux créateurs talentueux; cependant, c’est dans la rue que se trouve la plus grande source d’inspiration. Comme vous le savez, pour moi, rien ne vaut le Streetstyle. Une fois de plus lors de cette Fashion Week, j’en ai profité pour prendre d’assaut la rue et aller à la rencontre des styles et différents détails qui m’inspirent. En voici un aperçu. xx Jennie

New York Fashion Week came early this September. Usually happening later in the month, NYFW is the perfect transition from Summer to Fall in the city. There is always a special atmosphere when comes the time of the runway shows. Fashion is in the air and New Yorkers don’t miss the occasion to be even more stylish than usual. Magic happens in the shows thanks to their talented designers, however the street is where inspiration is flowing. As you know, street style is everything for me. This season again, I spent some time at Fashion Week looking at show-goers and trying to photograph which looks and details inspire me. Enjoy. xx Jennie

New York, NYC Lifestyle

Instagram & Other Stories: August 2014, NYC & Miami Beach

September 1, 2014

Ca y est, c’est fini! Hier a eu lieu le Labor Day (fête du travail américaine), jour qui signe officiellement la fin de l’été. Un peu trop tôt à mon goût, surtout par ce temps caniculaire à New York, j’ai bien l’intention de profiter de l’été encore un peu. Même si Septembre sonne l’heure de la rentrée, ce sera pour moi un départ en vacances. Dix vrais jours, sans travail ni de comptes à rendre à personne, à se prélasser à la plage et à visiter des petits villages.

Goodbye Summer is what everyone seems eager to say now that Labor Day has passed. Looking back, August has been a very busy month in the city. Though I started it on a vacation note enjoying South Beach Miami for my birthday trip. Right off the plane to New York City, I began the stressful journey of moving in to a new apartment. Not only is there the actual moving, which in itself is a stressful ordeal, but there is also the task of setting up things like utilities and home warranty (First American is the place to go for if you need home warranty) and everything like that. Nevertheless, I’ve done it! Still a Upper West Sider, I am now closer to Central Park and I really enjoy my new neighborhood. I had been thinking about moving into a new apartment for a while, but I decided now was the time after I saw how happy my friend was when she moved into Admirals Cove in Alameda recently. Inspired by her, I took the leap. Though the apartment is not as nice as hers, I am in love with my new home and can see myself living here for a while. Sadly we had to say goodbye to Robin Williams this year, but NYC summer has been kind enough to let New Yorkers enjoy plenty of movies in the park (and in my new neighbor’s backyard). August was a good month, busy but good and I am going to miss not having my breakfast outside once Fall has arrived.