Monthly Archives

July 2015

California, Travel

Road Trip Californie : 3 jours à San Diego

July 15, 2015


San Diego a signé le début de mon road trip en Californie du Sud et c’est un peu comme ci j’avais commencé avec la cerise sur le gâteau. Je vous l’ai annoncé dans mon article précédent, j’ai adoré cette ville tellement vivante et jolie. Elle a beaucoup de charme et de caractère comme en témoignent ces photos.

Pour m’échapper du côté urbain, car c’est tout de même une grande ville ou ce road trip était l’occasion de vacances loin de New York, je suis allée découvrir Torrey Pines pour une randonnée au bord des falaises. Quelques heures ont été vite passées à déambuler sur les différents chemins qui mènent tous à un point de vue sublime sur la côte Californienne et l’océan Pacifique. En même temps, vu les donuts plus gros que ma tête du petit déjeuner chez The Donut Bar, il fallait bien éliminer le surplus (la preuve en photo ici).

I began my SoCal road trip with San Diego. And it was like starting with the cherry on top of the cake. As I said in my previous article, I absolutely love San Diego. It is such a lively and beautiful city with a lot of charm and character as you can see in these pictures. 

To escape a bit from the urban side (it was a vacation after all), I went on hike at the Torrey Pines reserve along the cliffs. A few hours went by very fast, walking along the paths that end at some gorgeous views of the Pacific Ocean and the Californian coast. But with some infamous morning donuts, bigger than my head, from the famous Donut Bar (the proof in photo here), some physical activities were much needed.


California, Fashion, Personal Style, Travel

Stripe and yellow – OOTD in San Diego

July 13, 2015


Vous avez été nombreux à suivre mon road trip californien sur les réseaux sociaux ce mois-ci. J’ai passé des moments incroyables et j’ai, comme vous vous en doutez, énormément de photos à vous montrer. Je commence le récit de ce voyage en partageant ma tenue pour une soirée à San Diego dans le quartier très en vogue : le Gaslamp District. 7 jours, 6 nuits en Californie et une seule valise en cabine autorisée, je vous passe les détails de la sélection de vêtements – et surtout la prise de tête.

A lot of you followed my road trip in California this month on social media. Believe me, I have a lot of pictures to show you – California is so pretty and this trip was a breathe of much needed fresh air. First, I would like to show you this outfit that I wore on a night in the trendy Gaslamp District of San Diego. With seven days, six nights and only one authorized carry-on suitcase, packing required a good strategy. 


Fashion, Shopping

Collaboration Rocksbox – Get 1 month of Jewelry for FREE

July 11, 2015


What if you could receive jewelry in your mailbox every now and then? Not so long ago, I was contacted by Rocksbox to do just that.

Rocksbox gives its members the chance to receive 3 pieces of designer jewelry at the same time. Among the 30+ jewelry brands featured, you can add pieces you wishes to try in your personalized wish list. Once you receive the box in the mail, you get to choose to borrow, buy or swap the pieces of jewelry for other ones. There is no limit. The only rule is to never have more than 3 pieces on rental at the same time. For a $19 monthly subscription fee, you can request as many changes as you would like at any time – all you have to do is return the pieces and Rocksbox will quickly send you new ones. Each box is worth an average of $200.

Want GREAT news?

As part of the collaboration between Rocksbox and MyBigApplecity, you can receive 1 month for FREE. All you have to do is sign up on, and make sure to enter the PROMO CODE: “bigapplecityxoxo. You can add pieces to your wishlist and soon enough, your Rockbox will be on its way to you. Rocksbox has free shipping both ways and has a zero commitment policy, meaning you can opt out whenever you want to. Rocksbox delivers to the United States only, so if you live here, make sure not to pass on this fashionable offer and enter the code provided above.

If you have any questions, please let me know in the comment section below this article or via email.